Planetary References for the Days of the Week: A Cosmic Guide

Posted by Brandon Tomich on


Have you ever wondered why each day of the week has a specific name and why they seem to follow a certain order? The days of the week, as we know them, are deeply rooted in ancient traditions and have planetary references associated with them. In this blog post, we will take a journey through time and space to explore the origins and meanings behind these planetary references for the days of the week.

Monday: Moon's Day

The week begins with Monday, often considered a day for fresh starts and new beginnings. Monday gets its name from the Moon, which in many cultures is associated with change, reflection, and intuition. The Moon's gentle influence sets the tone for the week ahead, encouraging us to embrace our emotions and inner wisdom.

Tuesday: Mars' Day

Tuesday, or "Tiw's Day," is named after the Norse god Tyr, who corresponds to Mars in Roman mythology. Mars is the red planet, symbolizing energy, courage, and assertiveness. Tuesday's association with Mars infuses it with a fiery spirit, making it a great day to tackle challenges, set goals, and channel your inner warrior.

Wednesday: Mercury's Day

Wednesday, or "Woden's Day" in Old English, pays tribute to the Norse god Odin, who is equivalent to the Roman god Mercury. Mercury, the swift messenger of the gods, is associated with communication, intellect, and adaptability. Therefore, Wednesday is an excellent day for learning, networking, and enhancing your mental agility.

Thursday: Jupiter's Day

Thursday, also known as "Thor's Day," is dedicated to the Norse god Thor, who is analogous to Jupiter in Roman mythology. Jupiter is the largest planet, symbolizing expansion, wisdom, and benevolence. Thursday's connection to Jupiter encourages us to seek growth, embrace opportunities, and nurture a spirit of generosity.

Friday: Venus' Day

Friday, or "Frigg's Day," honors the Norse goddess Frigg, who corresponds to Venus. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and harmony. As such, Friday is associated with romance, creativity, and self-care. It's the perfect day to connect with loved ones, appreciate art and beauty, and indulge in some well-deserved pampering.

Saturday: Saturn's Day

Saturday takes its name from the Roman god Saturn, the ruler of time and structure. Saturn represents discipline, responsibility, and patience. As the last day before Sunday, it's an ideal time to wrap up the week's tasks, plan for the future, and reflect on your long-term goals.

Sunday: Sun's Day

Finally, we come to Sunday, a day named after the Sun. The Sun is the center of our solar system, symbolizing vitality, leadership, and enlightenment. Sunday is a day to recharge your energy, take on leadership roles, and bask in the warmth of your accomplishments. It's a day to shine brightly and spread positivity.


The planetary references for the days of the week provide a fascinating glimpse into the historical and cultural significance of each day. Whether you're looking for inspiration, seeking to improve certain aspects of your life, or simply curious about the origins of these names, recognizing the planetary associations can add depth and meaning to your daily experiences. So, the next time you wonder why Wednesday feels different from Saturday, remember the cosmic influences that have shaped our concept of time.

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